Feeling whole means knowing and living all the parts of yourself.
True Self. Perhaps you notice that you’re a different person depending on who you’re with. And perhaps you feel authentic in those moments, but with some space, you question who you really are. Soon, those different parts seem to be in conflict with each other. Which is the real you?
Indecision. You find it difficult to make decisions for yourself, often weighing the pros and cons, consulting with others, and putting the decision off until the decision is made for you. You make every effort to think things through but you still find yourself stuck and facing the fear of choosing the wrong decision. What is right?
Culture. You’re from a family with a multicultural identity but that leaves you wondering what that means for you in your everyday life. It’s important to you to keep parts of that culture but not everything works for you. You want to explore other parts of your identity and figure out what else is out there. Where do you start?
Together, We Will:
Understand your background and experiences and start to recognize the labels you find yourself often in between
Identify how you feel about yourself at any given time and what labels feel most dominant
Determine your values, priorities, and needs as they relate to the parts of yourself
Note the conflicts between these parts and take steps to resolving these conflicts in your own mind
Look to the therapeutic space as a reflection of who you are and what is important to you
Decide with conviction how you identify, keeping in mind that identity is fluid, as well
Practice smooth transitions between the parts of your identity
Gain more experiences that highlight the parts of you that you feel good about
Feel more confident as you approach old and new relationships and for being perceived by others in a way that finally feels right
Let’s take that next step, together.
I like to schedule complimentary phone consultations to make sure we are a good fit and answer any questions you may have before starting therapy.